
Terms of Sale

Version: 5 Dec 2023

In addition to the limited warranty that accompanies the product(s) you purchase on this website (“Website”), the following are the terms of sale (“Terms of Sale”) under which VTech Electronics (HK) Limited ("VTech") offers to sell products featured on this Website. By creating an account or submitting an order products on this Website, you agree to be bound by these Terms of Sale.

1. Pricing

All prices, quotations, confirmation and invoices are subject to exclusions or cancellation for clerical, typographic and similar errors, and omissions. All prices are subject to change without notice.

VTech makes no representation as to the completeness, accuracy, or contemporaneousness of any information on this Website. For instance, products may be unavailable, have different attributes or a different price than those listed on this Website.

All prices of the products listed on this Website are exclusive of any shipping and handling charges, import or export duty and other incidental expenses, which shall be borne by the customers.

2. Age Restriction

VTech does sells products for children, but VTech sells them to adults (age 18 and over).

3. Shipping

VTech will not deliver any products to any address outside Hong Kong. VTech offers a standard delivery service subject to shipping and handling charges which will be calculated at VTech’s discretion. Please refer to the Shipping and Return Policies provided on this Website for further information.

4. Limited Warranty

VTech products are covered by the limited warranty. The Limited Warranty is available on this Website for your inspection prior to purchase. The limited warranty applicable to the product you purchased shall be the one posted on this Website at the time of your purchase.

5. Service and Support

Materials accompanying the product(s) you purchased will explain how you can obtain service and support for those products.

6. Offer and Acceptance

Submitting your order constitutes your offer to purchase the selected product and obligates you to pay the price of the ordered product(s) if the order is accepted and confirmed by VTech. An order proposal may be refused by VTech prior to acceptance and confirmation of the order, or cancelled after acceptance and confirmation, by VTech at its sole discretion, including but not limited to when the product is not available, due to errors or omissions (including pricing errors), or where there are reported or suspected fraudulent activities. The acceptance, refusal or cancellation by VTech of the order proposal shall be sent via e-mail at the address you provided at check-out.

We may also require verification of information prior to the acceptance and/or shipment of any order.

All items are subject to availability and we reserve the right, to the fullest extent permissible by applicable law, to impose quantity limits on any order, to reject all or part of an order and to discontinue products or services without notice, even if you have already placed your order.

7. Payment

Only valid credit cards or other payment methods acceptable to us may be used. By submitting your order, you represent and warrant that you are authorized to use the designated card or method and authorize us to charge your order (including shipping) to that card or other method. If the card (or other method) cannot be verified, is invalid, or is not otherwise acceptable, your order may be suspended or cancelled automatically. You agree to keep all payment cards or other payment method information current on your account and you agree that we may submit charges for processing even if the card (or other method) has expired or changed by the time we submit it. You must resolve any problem we encounter, in order to proceed with your order.

8. Return Policy

Please view our Shipping and Return Policies for further information.

9. Software

All software provided to you is licensed (not sold to you) in accordance with the licenses that accompany the software. Title to the software will remain with the applicable licensor(s).

10. Title and Risk of Loss

Subject to the next paragraph, title to and risk of loss for the products you purchased on this Website pass from VTech to you upon shipment.

Products may include certain software or firmware (the “Software”). By purchasing a product, you are not purchasing the Software and do not receive any right, title, or interest in or to Software other than a license to use such Software in accordance with the license terms accompanying the product.

11. Limitation of Liability

VTech does not accept liability beyond the remedies set forth herein, including any liability for products unavailability or the provision of services and support. VTech, its agents, directors, officers, employees, parent companies, subsidiaries, affiliates, attorneys, contractors, suppliers, licensors and licensees (collectively, “VTech Affiliates”) will not be liable for (a) any indirect, incidental, consequential, punitive or special damages; or (b) any loss of use, loss of production, loss of revenue, income, profits or expected savings (anticipated or otherwise), loss of markets, loss of goodwill, loss of privacy, loss of data or information or economic loss, in each case even if any VTech Affiliate foresees or has been advised of the possibility of such damages. The maximum aggregate liability of VTech Affiliates for any and all claims arising from or related to any and all products purchased through this Website or these Terms of Sale shall be limited to your direct damages, not to exceed: (i) if in respect of a specific product purchased through the Web site, the purchase price paid for such product; and (ii) in the aggregate, the aggregate purchase price for all products purchased through this Website.

The limitations, exclusions and disclaimers in these Terms of Sale shall apply to irrespective of the nature of the cause of action, including but not limited to breach of contract, negligence, tort, or any other legal theory and shall survive a fundamental breach or breaches and/or failure of the essential purpose of these Terms of Sale or of any remedy contained herein.

12. Applicable Law; Not for Resale or Export

These Terms of Sale and any sales hereunder shall be governed by the laws of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, without regard to conflicts of law rules.

You agree and represent that you are buying for your own use, and not for resale or export.

13. Entire Agreement

These Terms of Sale, together with any other terms applicable to your use of this Website, constitute the entire agreement between you and us with respect to your purchase of product through this Website and cancel and supersede any prior understandings and agreements between you and VTech with respect to such purchase.

14. Severability

To the extent that any provision of these Terms of Sale is declared by a court or other lawful authority of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, illegal or unenforceable, VTech reserves the right to cancel or terminate any or all purchases. If VTech does not cancel or terminate, such provision shall be severed and deleted, or limited, so as to give effect to the intent of you and VTech, and the remainder of these Terms of Sale shall continue in full force and effect.

15. Amendments and Waivers

No modification, amendment, addition to or waiver of any of its rights, obligations or defaults shall be effective unless in writing and signed by one of VTech’s authorized signing officers. One or more waivers of any right, obligation or default shall be limited to the specific right, obligation or default waived and shall not be construed as a waiver of any subsequent right, obligation, or default. No delay or failure by VTech in exercising any right hereunder and no partial or single exercise thereof shall be deemed of itself to constitute a waiver of such right or any other rights hereunder.