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Sort & Wiggle Tractor™

12 - 36 Months

Four farm animals bob up and down as the tractor is pulled; smart tractor responds with encouraging phrases when children correctly sort the animals in the tractor.

Sort & Wiggle Tractor™

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Powered by Salepify App

  • Learn about shapes, animals and numbers with the interactive tractor that encourages children to sort and match animals into their slots
  • Hear tractor sounds and animal noises when you push or pull the tractor; watch the farm animals bounce up and down
  • Hear songs and phrases about farm life with the friendly farmer; play with the removable cow, sheep, pig and dog
  • Press an animal down to see the others pop up to practice motor skills and hand-eye coordination


Box Dimension: 35x24.1x12.7 cm


Battery:2 AAA

Go hog wild for learning about shapes, colors, numbers and animals with the shape-sorting Sort & Wiggle Tractor™. Sort the four pop-up farm animals into their slots on the tractor trailer. Match them by shape and color! The trailer responds as kids place the animals into their spaces. Watch the sheep, pig, cow and dog bob up and down as kids push or pull the tractor. The friendly farmer in the tractor sings songs and talks about farming. Harvest a crop of learning play! Enjoy 65+ songs, sounds, phrases and melodies in this playful farm toy. Intended for ages 12–36 months Requires 2 AAA batteries. Batteries included for demo purposes only. New batteries recommended for regular use.